The Lusk Cemetery is situated on approximately 26 acres. It was moved to its current location, just north of town on the 28 Mile Road, in the early 1900’s. The Lusk Cemetery just recently received many trees and shrubs, and a new irrigation system.
Lusk Cemetery Fees:*There is a one time Perpetual Fee attached with each grave purchase. A single grave breaks down to $200.00 for the grave and $125.00 for the perpetual care fee. 4 contiguous graves break down to $250.00 a grave and $125.00 on each for perpetual care.
Single Grave
Lot Graves (4 graves)
Grave Labor for a Full Burial
Grave Labor for a Cremation Burial
Permit for Monument Placement
Transfer Deed
The Town Hall Office keeps records of the cemetery as far as who owns a plot, who is buried in the grave, and what plots are for sale. Currently, they are working hard with the Niobrara County Library to make sure that old records are as up to date as possible for record keeping purposes along with genealogy purposes. If you have a questions regarding purchase of a plot, re-sale of a plot, genealogy of a plot, or just would like some more information please contact the Town Hall at (307)334-3612 or try:
Manager of the Lusk Cemetery is James Santistevan.
Phone: (307)-334-3612
Fax: (307)-334-2154
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday 8:00-5:00
When visiting Lusk Cemetery please take note of our Cemetery Directory that can help you find loved ones. Located just off the Main Gate and to the left the Directory Book lists everyone in the cemetery, the section, and the plot that they are in. We update this book every year.
(a) Monuments and markers shall only be installed in the Lusk Municipal Cemetery by reputable monument companies, and then only after a permit has been secured from the Town Offie and a locate has been confirmed by the Cemetery Overseer or the designated Town personnel.
(b) Foundations shall be installed only by qualified contractors, and only from April 15 to December 1 of each year (i.e. when there is no frost in the ground), and only after a permit has been secured from the Town Office and a locate has been confirmed by the Cemetery Overseer or designated Town personnel.
(c) No permits for installation of monuments, markers or foundations shall be issued until the space upon which the same is to be installed has been fully paid and a document of conveyance issued to the owner.
(d) Only one central or family memorial or monument shall be allowed on a lot (i.e a lost consisting of four individual grave spaces), and the same shall be in placed at the head of the lot. Only one tombstone or monument shall be placed at the head of each grave space, with the foundations of said tombstone or monument not exceeding the width of 48 inches. Only one foot stone per single grave space shall be allowed. Military markers are allowed in addition to the individual monuments.
(e) Marble markers or memorials shall not be allowed in the Lusk Municipal Cemetery. (Adoption Ordinance, 2004)
(a) No person shall install, place or erect a monument, marker or foundation without a permit as provided herein.
(b) No person shall plant, construct, erect, install, or create any coping, hedging, grave mounds, borders, enclosures or walkways of any kind on any lots or spaces or anywhere on the Lusk Municipal Cemetery premises.
(c) No person shall use, place, erect or leave tiles, bricks, gravel, crushed rock, oyster shells, cinders, or any other materials except as may be specifically permitted or allowed by this Title on any spaces, lots, or anywhere on the premises of the Lusk Municipal Cemetery. All such materials may be removed by Town personnel without liability to the owner.
(d) No person shall place glass containers, barbed wire, aluminum foil or large rocks on the cemetery premises at any time, and no cut flowers, potted plants, wreaths, blankets or other such material shall be left on graves for longer than 15 days; provided, however, artificial plants or flowers may remain indefinitely if attached to a monument or memorial. All materials prohibited after 15 days shall be removed by Town personnel with liability to the owner. Artificial flowers and plants may be removed by the Cemetery Overseer at his or her discretion.
(e) No person shall drive any vehicle upon any place within the cemetery except on the graveled streets.
(f) No person shall injure, deface, break, disturb or destroy any monument, marker, memorial, tomb or grave, nor shall any person break, injury or destroy any gate, fence, grassed plot, shrub, tree or ornament of any kind within the Lusk Municipal Cemetery.
(g) No person shall disturb the sod on any lot or grave, nor plant any tree, shrub or bush on cemetery premises.
(h) Any person convicted of committing an act or acts prohibited by this Section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable as provided in § 2-35-100 of the Lusk Municipal Code. (Adoption Ordinance, 2004)
Looking at purchasing a grave?
Would you like to place a wreath on a veterans grave?
Are you trying to find a deceased family member?
The Cemetery Parcel Viewer, found by clicking on the link below, can help with all of the above.
Please be sure to pay attention to the maps Legend for easier use:
Blue graves: Veterans' graves
Red graves: Occupied
Orange graves: Reserved; these graves have been purchased
Green graves: Available for purchase. Please see pricing options above.
*When using the Parcel Viewer, please zoom in to be able to see the graves and the color coding.
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